Read on about the amazing health benefits of this superfood!
Collagen is a fibrous protein that accounts for 33% of the proteins found in the human body. Ever wondered why our joints start to ache and skin starts to get wrinkles as we age? The truth is our body produces less and less amounts of collagen as time passes by. This, however, is not the only important reason for us to incorporate gelatin in our routine diet. Its significance becomes more apparent when we know that gelatin contains 18 amino acids, half of which are considered essential for our survival; they cannot be generated by our bodies!
That is where Fish Gelatin comes in, it is a natural food additive with high nutrition value, fish skin gelatin is on top of the list for being:
– Rich in 18 kinds of amino acid:
The amino acids present in fish gelatin promotes the growth of hair and nails.
– High in protein
– Gelatin has been found to keep joints more flexible and reduce athletes’ joint pain as well as ease the pain of arthritis.
– Free of additives and preservatives
– Free of animal diseases
Food and pharmaceutical industries all over the world are witnessing an increasing demand for collagen and gelatin. Mammalian gelatins (bovine), being the most popular and widely used, are subject to major constraints and skepticism among consumers due to socio-cultural and health-related concerns. Fish gelatin (especially from warm-water fish) reportedly possesses similar characteristics to mammalian gelatin and may thus be considered as the best alternative to mammalian gelatin for use in food products.
The best part?
There are no reported cases of health concerns about gelatin, except for some people who are allergic to the animals from which gelatin has been derived.
– water soluble
– odorless and tasteless
Better than Botox Hair Treatment (Free Recipe Below)
Did you know? The popular, expensive Botox hair treatment contains collagen (which is actually gelatine), protein (gelatine is 100% protien powder) and essential oils.
Gelatine Hair Mask Recipe:
Remember, you need to add gelatin into your diet together with this to get real benefits. In this sense, beauty really does come from within!
The reason that the gelatin hair mask works so well is that gelatin is a protein (remember, your hair is 91% protein). Collagen also remarkably resembles keratin in that they are both types of fibrous proteins. They even share some of the same amino acids.
After doing this gelatin hair mask a few times, you’ll notice that your hair is softer and shinier without being greasy.
1 Tbsp (15grams) fish gelatin powder
½ cup cool water
½ cup warm water
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp honey
Mix the fish gelatin powder with the cool water
Then add the warm water and mix
Add the remaining ingredients and mix
Apply to your hair and let sit at least 5 minutes
If your hair really lacks luster, you might need to do this 3 times a week for starters
Note: you can also make your own hair gel out of gelatin! Mix ¼ tsp gelatin with ½ cup hot water. Let it set and add essential oils if you want. Now you’re ready to go! Just remember to keep it stored in the refrigerator and it will last about 2 weeks.
According to a recent survey, women spend around a staggering R15,000 each year on hair care, so why not give this inexpensive yet amazingly effective ingredient a try: Gelatin!
Gelatin has been proven to make your hair stronger and shinier, not just that, it even improves your hair growth and only has positive side effects, such as improving the elasticity of your skin and preventing wrinkles. Don’t believe us? Do the research and find out for yourself
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